by Charlotte Boshart | 19 March, 2019 |
Teachers in my last elementary school were unhappy with their reading curriculum and were doggedly focused on finding something better. Turns out, this is not an uncommon occurrence in many schools. Maybe even yours.
by Charlotte Boshart | 12 March, 2019 |
The QOE includes the same five categories and oral-facial items as last week’s Therapy Matters. It's all on one page which makes it easier. It’s a check sheet with a few “comment” write-in areas.
by Charlotte Boshart | 05 March, 2019 |
The mouth is the source of speech and we can’t ignore it. I want to know the condition of the mouth I’m working with so I can adjust my therapy to the needs of the child.
by Charlotte Boshart | 26 February, 2019 |
Squeezing in time to find, read, interpret, and figure out how to apply the results of research articles is difficult at best. If you have the same conundrum, I hope this once-a-month Research Review helps fill your needs. This is a good one.
by Charlotte Boshart | 19 February, 2019 |
Most children know how to play but some don’t. They have no sense of venturing beyond the walls of familiarity. ‘Play’ is a good thing, and an influential part of communication.
by Charlotte Boshart | 12 February, 2019 |
Recording our speech-kids in therapy is a no-brainer. But what’s the “best” app to use to record them? Are some recording apps better than others? I think so.
by Charlotte Boshart | 05 February, 2019 |
Has a child ever walked into your therapy room and he sounded 10 times worse than he did last week? Chances are he's been fitted with a palatal expander. So, now what? Sometimes the answer is obvious, but sometimes it isn't.
by Charlotte Boshart | 29 January, 2019 |
I’m changing things just a bit. Starting next week the topics will be more organized and designated. But, as always, the objective is to share practical info and ideas that you can apply with your therapy-kids.
by Charlotte Boshart | 11 December, 2018 |
The Timeline Phase is the first of the two carryover phases. Timeline oral resting posture practice requires him to pause, focus on his mouth, and assume positions with his lips, tongue, jaw, and nose that are new and unfamiliar.
by Charlotte Boshart | 04 December, 2018 |
The process of developing and establishing a child’s speech pattern may also be dependent on changing and establishing a new oral resting posture. The two are inextricably connected. Here's why....
by Charlotte Boshart | 19 November, 2018 |
“If I just stim the speech sound and the child makes it, do I still need to do oral resting posture therapy?” To make that determination, analyze the child’s lips, tongue, and jaw and make sure they are in their optimum positions to facilitate good speech contacts.
by Charlotte Boshart | 13 November, 2018 |
What would you think of I said that “carryover”—one of the biggest challenges in our profession, and something we do toward the end of our therapy—is best addressed at the beginning and throughout therapy? Crazy? I don’t think so....