Winter Greetings, SLP!
We're a month into 2019--Happy New Year!--and this is the first chance I've had to check-in with you. Like the above picture, my TherapyMatters’ writing-pages have been empty.
By way of an explanation, and I bet you can relate to this, life has thrown my family and good friends some curves. In addition to the general busy-ness of living, speaking-travel, and podcasts, there's been tragic death and illness-type curves.
Thankfully, things are starting to even out, and I'm ready to jump back into the weekly writing saddle. I've missed connecting with you.
I’m changing things just a bit, however. Starting next week (Tuesday, February 5), the topics will be more organized and designated. Some blogs will be longer, others, shorter. But, as always, the objective is to share practical info and ideas that you can apply with your therapy-kids. Each week will contain the following:
TheFirst Tuesday:Speech and Language topics for school-aged children.
TheSecond Tuesday:Resource Suggestions; apps, websites, therapy materials, tools, books, etc.
TheThird Tuesday: Practical pieces onAssociated Relevanttopics.
TheFourth Tuesday:Research Article Reviewsincluding therapy applications and opinions.
I hope this new format works out and meets your needs. Please let me know; I'm open to suggestions.
By way of keeping you up-to-date, since we last connected I did a couple podcasts (just me, no guest):
Why Some "R" Techniques Don't Work and Others Do (aired live on January 17), and
Are the Same Techniques Used to Remediate a Lateral "S" and a Frontal "S"? (aired live on January 24)
Both are free on iTunes on The Speech Link show. If you want CEUs just go toSpeechTherapypd.com to register and listen. (You can do this anytime, not just when the podcast airs.)
That's it for today. Hope things are going well for you. Do know, you are greatly appreciated.
See you next week,
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