Learn with me! However you like to learn there's something for everyone....articles, books, blogs, videos, podcasts, and online seminars!
Use The Deep Screening Probes (ebook) to determine the next context or speech sound to address. Duplicate as many as you want, when you want--an absolute necessity is you do speech sound therapy. A popular seller!
The Key to Carryover: Change Oral Postures to Fortify Speech Production (book):Consistent speech sound generalization is dependent on several factors, one being, the tongue's ease of access of surrounding articulators. This is, in part, do to the position of the tongue at rest. Find out more...!
(#28) Solidification: Blowing the Whistle on Carryover! Solidification therapy is the glue between the correct isolated speech sound and carryover. It is the art of practicing! Learn how to apply the 3 Phases of Solidification.
(#7) Speaking Tongues are Actively Braced: The sides of the tongue brace themselves against the top, side teeth as we speak. This is a super helpful and important piece to include in "carryover" practice.
(#37) Eight Reasons Why the Oral Resting Posture (ORP) is Influential in Speech Sound Therapy: There is more to the importance of the ORP than meets the eye. Here's 8 beneficial reasons for you and your clients.
Does practice make perfect? Perhaps, the right kind of practice does. Frequent, quality repetition are certainly factors. These Practice Audio helps you decide WHAT to practice and HOW to practice. And, scanning the QR code on each Lesson makes for quick and easy audio access. Includes: 10 to 12 Audio and Print Lessons (with QR code), a Deep Screening Probe, a Record of Assignments Sheet (to keep track), Data and Documentation Sheets, and a complete Instructions Manuel. Here are the six Practice Audios:
Char is available to present online seminars
designed specifically for your speech-language pathologists at your workplace.
Inquire: Char@SpeechDynamics.com