Learn with me! However you like to learn there's something for everyone....articles, books, blogs, videos, podcasts, and online seminars!
Speech Pictures! (ebook): Details production of all consonant speech sounds, and includes line-drawings that depict lingual stabilization and mobilization. Use as a visual referent for you and your therapy kids.
22 of My Favorite Tools and How to Use Them (book): Add dimension to your therapy input--especially intra-oral tactile input. The benefit? The client can better localize lingual placement, etc. Learn multiple applications!
The Key to Carryover: Change Oral Postures to Fortify Speech Production (book): Important: Where ever the lips, tongue, and jaw rest (when not speaking) is where they work. The oral resting position helps to establish the tongue's "operating zone" and speech carryover.
Learn the stabilization-mobilization details about the /s/ production (including the tongue-tip up /s/ and the tongue-tip down /s/), plus several therapy techniques and how to sequence them.
(#6) A Remarkable Method to Lift the Front-Tongue (for ALL Front-Tongue Sounds): Did you know the front-tongue lifts because the mid-tongue contracts? All speech sounds (except "th") require vertical tongue movements. Learn what to do to generate refined "t, d, s, sh, ch, j, l, and n" speech sounds.
(#29) Two Tasks to get the Back-Tongue Moving: Getting the back-tongue to move vertically, consistently, if tough. I've found that applying sensory input plus lingual resistance helps. Find out how.
(#32) Top-Ten Tips for "TH" (unique features and therapy strategies): Learn the unique features and characteristics of "th" (V and unV), plus a suggested (and pretty successful) "th" therapy sequence.
(#7) Speaking Tongue are Actively Braced: Presents the practical details Dr. Brian Gick's landmark research article that reveals the importance of appropriate tongue stabilization during isolated speech sound productions as well as during conversational speaking. Critically important!
(#60) Practical Methods to Generate Tongue Movements in Speech: Gives a good run-down of research on tongue movements during speaking, plus practical stabilization-mobilization info and ideas.
The "Speech Link" is a 1-hour video/audio Podcast hosted by Char Boshart, and sponsored by
SpeechTherapypd.com. Get practical information and CEUS at: SpeechTherapypd.com.
To access the free audio-only podcasts, The Speech Link is available on all popular podcast apps.
They are listed and linked at SpeechDynamics.com.
Episode #16: Are the Same Techniques Used to Remediate a Lateral and Frontal "S"?, by Char Boshart
Episode #63: Posture: The Missing Piece in Speech Production, by Brian Gick
All courses are Available at:SpeechTherapypd.com.
(Subscription Necessary; type Char Boshart into the search bar)
NEW! Mentorship Course, "S" Remediation: Up Close & Personal, by Char Boshart, 6-hours (#3113)
Complete "S" Remediation, by Char Boshart, 3-hours (#2599)
"S" Remediation Therapy, by Char Boshart, 1-hours (#2167)
Systematic Frontal & Lateral "S" Remediation, by Char Boshart, 3-hours (#2228)
SSD Conference, Part 3: Therapy for the Essential Components of Speech,by Char Boshart, 1.5-hours (#2807)
Char is available to present online seminars
designed specifically for your speech-language pathologists at your workplace.
Inquire: Char@SpeechDynamics.com