Learn with me! However you like to learn there's something for everyone....articles, books, blogs, videos, podcasts, and online seminars!
The Easy R (hard copy book + separate e-Appendix to use in therapy): Looking for answers and systematic organization? Use the 12 flexible Lessons to remediate your r-kids from beginning (analysis) to end (generalization). Comprehensive, sequential, and provides all evaluation, treatment, and documentation info and forms.
How to Remediate R (ebook): In comparison to The Easy R book, this ebook provides bottom-line info and answers about how to remediate your r-kids. It's comprehensive, but condensed. Does NOT contain the 12 Lessons.
Speech Pictures! (ebook): Useful information about all (consonant) speech sounds. The line-drawings provide you and your kids a visual depiction of production placements and progressions.
(#2) Hot Tips for Successful "R" Therapy (part 1): Part 1 (of 3) lays the foundation of the three primary components of the /r/ production, and how to apply the Dental Floss Handle as a tactile indicator.
(#3) Hot Tips for Successful "R" Therapy (part 2): Part 2 (of 3) digs in deeper and details the critical components of the Back-up /r/ and the Retroflex /r/ that we need to know for effective therapy.
(#4) Hot Tips for Successful "R" Therapy (part 3): Part 3 (of 3) explicitly lays out techniques on how to stim a Back-up /r/, and how to stim a Retroflex /r/, and strategies for solidifying the new oral movements.
(#18) Five Things Effective Therapists Do to Remediate R: This practical info is applicable for /r/ remediation, as well as for other speech sounds. These are GOOD ONES! Do you include these in your therapy?
(#57) "R" Remediation: The Condensed Version: This one addresses a frequent request, "Just tell me a few bottom-line things I need to know about 'r' so I can remediate my seven /r/ kids!"
"R" Revealed: Five Myths that Impede Therapy Results: An 8-page article that covers: The components of both the Back-up /r/, and the Retroflex /r/ productions, lip rounding, the consonantal/vocalic controversy, potential hard/soft tissue obstacles, and the role of auditory stimulation.
The "Speech Link" is a 1-hour video/audio Podcast hosted by Char Boshart, and sponsored by SpeechTherapypd.com. Get practical information and CEUs at: SpeechTherapypd.com
To access the free audio-only podcasts, The Speech Link is available on all popular podcast apps.
They are listed on: SpeechDynamics.com
Episode #15: Why Some "R" Techniques Don't Work and Others Do, by Char Boshart
Episode #38: How to Move Beyond Inconsistent R-Productions, by Susan Haseley
All courses are available at SpeechTherapypd.com
(Subscription is necessary; type Char Boshart into the search bar)
R Remediation Therapy, Char Boshart, 1-Hour (#2166)
Complete "R" Remediation Therapy, Char Boshart, 2-Hours (#1554)
R Solutions: From Capability to Carryover, Char Boshart, 3-Hours (#2246)
Seven Sensory Strategies to Increase Artic-Therapy Success, Char Boshart, 1-Hour (#1983)
NEW MENTORSHIP COURSE! "R" Remediation: Up Close and Personal, Char Boshart, 6-Hours (#3126)
Char is available to present online seminars
designed specifically for your speech-language pathologists at your workplace.
Inquire: Char@SpeechDynamics.com