Learn with me! However you like to learn there's something for everyone....articles, books, blogs, videos, podcasts, and online seminars!

Therapy Matters Blog

(Inspiration for Clients and SLPs)

(#15) Two Easy Ideas to Impact Homework & Communications:  Learn about the Accountability Loop (it works!), and a display that helps control and coordinate your day.

(#26) 7 Solutions to Inspire Homework Compliance:  Here's some tried-and-true suggestions to motivate homework compliance. Extra speech practice--as we all know--is super-beneficial to get our kids through.

(#23) The Get-Going Guide for the New School Year (part 1):  Make your teacher's-rounds. Begin to generate personal connections that lay the foundation for productive working connections throughout the school year.

(#24) Six Solutions to Put Paperwork in its Place (part 2):  Provides some guidance on the "paperwork perspective" and how to streamline the writing process.  (Paperwork is the pits for everyone!)

(#25) Organize Your Space & Maximize Productivity (part 3)  Some suggestions one: maximizing your room to maximize your functions and a practical system for organizing student (hard copy) files. 

(#13) "I Love the Kids, but I'm Burned Out":  This is something we can all relate to at one time or another. I did a personal survey--you may or may not be surprised at the results.

(#64) This Helps Me Throughout the Year:  I wrote this back in January, 2020, but still stands today. Try it, and let know "your word."  It's all about mindset.

CEU Courses

All courses are available at SpeechTherapypd.com.

(Subscription is necessary; type Char Boshart into the search bar)

5 Ways to Inspire and Motivate Children with Articulation Disorders, by Char Boshart, 1-Hour (#1558)

What are You Thinking? The Application of 7 Essential Speech Therapy Mindsets, by Char Boshart, 1.5-Hours (#3045)

Char is available to present online seminars

designed specifically for your speech-language pathologists at your workplace.

Inquire: Char@SpeechDynamics.com