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Hear-and-Say Series (digital)
By Char Boshart and Mary Jutila
LISTEN TO AN AUDIO EXAMPLE! Scan the QR Code in the images to the left.
We SLPs typically work on “th” with “older” kids, right? Cute little pictures on a page aren’t always their thing.
Enter, The “Th” Speech Practice Lessons with Lists and short Audios of context-based words, phrases, and sentences. Just listen and repeat—no pictures, just a “live” model!
Each Lesson has its own QR Code. The corresponding practice audio is accessed quickly and easily. Practice during in-person therapy, online, and absolutely ANYWHERE for homework.
A bunch of helpful materials comes in the bundle:
This context-driven audio style of practice has been used (in other formats) by thousands of appreciative speech-language pathologists and their therapy-kids. In this edition, EVERYTHING has been newly updated, revised, and rerecorded—and kids love ‘em!
Please Note: Once purchased, you instantly receive EVERYTHING IN YOUR EMAIL to download and use. The Instructions Manual, and all Lessons and Audios are digital.
Item #: LSP