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S Speech Practice

Hear-and-Say Series (digital)

By Char Boshart and Mary Jutila

LISTEN TO AN AUDIO EXAMPLE!  Scan the QR Code in the images to the left.

Ever have a child that produces a reeeally good /s/, but takes forever to generalize?  Moving from single-sound to consistent conversation is tough!  It takes repetition—lots of it—to establish movement memory.

The "S" Speech Practice Lesson Lists and Audios are a HUGE help for generating carryover.  One reason why:  An audio model increases the probability of correct practice productions.

Each lesson has a QR Code so you, the child, and the parent/caregivers can quickly access the practice audios—anywhere, anytime.  Even during online therapy.

You get bunches in this bundle:

  • A complete Instructions Manual
  • 12 Practice Lesson Lists (with QR Codes to quickly access audios)
  • 12 MP3 Audios (that correspond to each lesson; each 5 to 7 minutes)
  • 12 Data & Documentation (to keep track of progress)
  • The “S” Deep Screening Probe (to determine the best practice context) and
  • The Record of Assignments sheet (to track your distribution).

This context-driven audio style of practice has been used (in other formats) by thousands of appreciative speech-language pathologists and their therapy-kids.  In this edition, EVERYTHING has been newly updated, revised, and rerecorded—and kids love ‘em!

Please Note:  Once purchased, you instantly receive EVERYTHING IN YOUR EMAIL to download and use.  The Instructions Manual, and all Lessons and Audios are digital. 

Item#: SSP

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